A Bespoke Transformational Holistic Journey

Long-Term Container Uniquely Designed

to Open You to Your Highest Destiny

2-6 Moon Cycles

* Transform your home into a Sanctuary

that nurtures your rebirth

* Reunite with your soul essence

* Fall in love with who you are, as you are

* Finally feel at home in your heart, body & home

* Open to deeper levels of intimacy with all of of your loved ones

* Become someone who is able to stay true to herself while being close to others

This personal healing journey includes:

1 ENTERING EDEN: A 90-120 minute in-person akashic reading to clear unwanted, outdated, stuck energies in your system and holy anointing & sound healing of your body to expand your capacity to receive more love & embody more of your divinity.

Includes ancestral clearing, resolution of past life karma, liberation from childhood wounds, and clearing and balancing of your chakra and energetic system.

2 SANCTUARY: A 1/2 day session in your home to cleanse your space of any unhelpful energies & activate your home with divine frequencies so that your home becomes a supportive environment for your next stage of becoming.

As a healthy mother's womb is the perfect nurturing environment for a baby to grow and birth, this session begins to transform your home into your own Garden of Eden so that you can fully thrive as the unique flower that you came here to be.

A number of follow up Sanctuary Sessions will be offered, depending on your container, to evolve your space, so that it may continually support your growth.

3 SUPPORT A number of 2-3 hour follow up sessions, (depending on the details of your unique container) to provide whatever support is most needed in the moment whether it be home organization, deep listening, coaching, energy healing, spiritual guidance, etc.

4 DIVINE CONNECTION Connection with your personal Ascended Master Guide, Flower Spirit Guide & Crystal Ally to unconditionally love and support you during your healing journey.

5 SACRED PRACTICE Support in the cultivation of a personal daily practice that supports you in the integration of your soul's essence and your physical body.


Price ranges from $2222- $11,000

Depending on the length & breadth of the container

We co-create together (& travel costs)

I currently live in Washington DC but

can travel to wherever you are in the world

for our High Touch, In person

Enter Eden & Sanctuary Session!

Please reach out by email or phone 410-490-5641

if you'd like to explore co-creating together,

have any questions, or just want to connect!

I'd love to hear from you!

May you feel know you are always loved

and held by the Divine.